Weekly Reads – July 9

Welcome to the Weekly Reads, where I highlight articles that I found on the web and that are focused on career advice, lifestyle, beauty or anything I think would round up as useful for the young, modern working woman. So get yourself comfortable, pour a cup of coffee and enjoy this week’s reads!

Money Series. I love the money diaries series from Refinery 29 and lately I am actually obsessed with Refinery 29. Their content is pretty spot on and I love the modern and practical spin on most of their articles, especially the money diaries. While it’s a great way to get a sneak peek into other people’s finances, it also helps bring awareness into your own spending habits and kick starting that conversation with yourself on what you need to do to get your finances in order.

Love the hustle. A.k.a habits of self-made female millionaires. which you should definitely give a read to ff you are curious to read about what kind of mentality successful women have followed in order to achieve their goals or what is the advice they give.

Managing people. Because the topic of managing people is such a top of mind one for me, as a growing professional and I think for many people out there just starting their careers or being first time managers, often the articles I pick every week feature it in some way or another. I think it’s important to start building up good principles that you can carry with yourself right from the start. So here is some advice on how to manage people from people who have actually been there as well as advice for first time managers from Career Contessa, which contain what I think is the cornerstone of successfully managing people and helping them grow: “You will empower people if you trust them to do good work. Check everything over and check in frequently, but trust people to do the job they were hired to do. Spend more of your time managing, coaching, and helping people do the best work possible, and less time micromanaging.”

Good carer advice. From the Oracle of Omaha himself, Warren Buffet, here are a few pieces of career advice for women starting out. With communication being outlined as one of the key things for young professionals (women or men), I must agree, as knowing how to communicate thing effectively and position them correctly, can determine so many things and not only at work but also in your private life.

What I am listening to. This week’s podcast has definitely been Atul Gawande’s Freakonomics podcast, which, following his appointment as CEO of Berkshire Hathaways, Amazon and J.P. Morgan’s new health venture has of course been on everyone’s lips.


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