Welcome to the Weekly Reads, where I highlight articles that I found on the web and that are focused on career advice, lifestyle, beauty or anything I think would round up as useful for the young, modern, working woman. So get yourself comfortable, pour a cup of coffee and enjoy this week’s reads!
My week has been quite good. I was on holidays for the second half of the week as my sister came to visit, and of course that felt great. I am not quite ready to get back to the work routine, and I am already looking froward to my Christmas holidays in Spain and that are only four weeks away.
My Apple Watch has finally arrived and I cannot wait to do a first impressions post for it – stay tuned because it will follow soon. After a seriously disappointing service from UPS deliveries and several trips to the end of the world (their customer centre outside of Berlin) I finally got the watch and all I can say is the wait was worth it.
Black Friday thoughts. Since Black Friday was just this weekend, I don’t really have any sinful confessions to make with regards to shopping. I have managed to stay away from buying anything and my only purchase on Sunday has been a face mask that I will talk about below. I am pretty happy to stay away of mindless shopping and my goal for now is to make the most of what I have and clean my wardrobe up so that it is not cluttered. I totally support the idea of “calculated purchase” and taking advantage of sales periods, but truth is most of us have more things than we can wish for and sometimes all we need is a mindful break and a serious decluttering for the health of the soul.
Interview to get inspired. Creating equal opportunity for everyone is one of the topics close and dear to my heart. I loved reading this interview with Jeff Weiner, CEO of Linkedin where he talks about the unintended bias that gets reinforced via Linkedin and the way he is actually reflecting on that and looking for improvements. What about those that don’t have the networks,
And in all seriousness, we want to potentially try to productize this to raise greater awareness for how people can begin to diversify their networks, because again there’s this almost self-fulfilling prophecy, this self-reinforcing dynamic, just sticking with the people you know.
Managing people. Whether you are already a manager or looking forward to being one soon, chances are, there are plenty of things that will take you for surprise once you are in that position. The key is to start reading about it as soon as possible and as much as you can, always keep learning and also stay kind and true to yourself. So, here are some really useful tips from Career Contessa and what they don’t tell you when you become a manager.
Skin care. I have been following Detailed Oriented Beauty for quite a few month already and I always enjoy reading her thorough reviews of beauty products. Being a fan of The Ordinary and Deciem, I am fascinated by their brand lines and products. With an eye on the Black Friday sales I came across this review she’s done of NIOD products, Deciem’s other baby brand that promises to deliver high impact results and whose mantra is “it’s all about the science, not about the sales”. My only purchase on the Black Friday occasion (technically, the purchase happened on Sunday) has been the NIOD mask, Mastic Must as it was 10 euros off.
I liked Jeff Weiner’s interview. He is one of my favorite corporate leaders to follow–so humble and thoughtful!
About Black Friday, we weren’t looking to buy. I actually find the madness around sales stressful. But funny enough got called by the fitness shop where we had ordered a treadmill a few days before Black Friday. The shop said we could buy a much better treadmill for the same price because all equipment was 50% off. We took up the offer and ended up getting a much better treadmill this way. 🙂
Looking forward to hear how you like the mask! 🙂
Absolutely agree on Black Friday; nonetheless, if you have eyed something that you know you want and are willing to do the investment, I think it’s great to take advantage of it. A treadmill sounds so exciting and also sort of a cmmitment! How is that going? I hope you guys are enjoying it!
My mask did not arrive yet; apparently they could not find my address and sent it back – not sure when or if I will get my hands on it at this point. We keep having the worst of luck with every single delivery to the point that I am ready to write a post on how to fix this industry!
Ah that’s very frustrating! I hope this issue is sorted for you soon! We are loving the treadmill. It’s turning out to be the best investment of all times, especially in this cold weather. 🙂 I ended up canceling my gym membership. Will just get some free weights to make it a little gym! 😀