Welcome to the Weekly Reads, where I highlight articles that I found on the web and that are focused on career advice, lifestyle, beauty or anything I think would round-up as useful for the young, modern, working woman.
The Weekly Reads are perfect for your Monday morning commute or your first coffee break of the week. So get yourself comfortable, keep sippign on your coffee and enjoy this week’s reads!
One of my 2019 goals is to stop using stock photos for my Weekly Reads posts and as I kept my word for the first Weekly Reads of the year, I want to keep doing the same. I figured that taking a good picture per week shouldn’t be too hard so let’s see how will I handle this. I might have also just gotten a head start as I used my holiday in Spain to shot a few pictures that I can use for the blog – but I don’t think it counts as cheating, does it?

Coaching and managing is an art. The best career advice. I love Consultant Mind’s blog, it’s just the best, most thoughthrough and real consulting blog out there. And not only that but he is also giving the best career advice (in my opinion). Here are a couple of more posts from him, one on how good managers coach and one on how he still has hard days as a manager after 20+ years of career. Really good reads.
Career plan. Here are 10 things to do for your career in 2019 from the M Dash, MM La Fleur’s online magazine for the professional woman.
Know your audience. As 2019 starts, and getting ahead in our careers is top of mind for everyone, Women Who shares a few tips on how to advocate for yourself at work, and my number one takeaway is: know your audience and play the game.
Find out who the people you need to convince are and what their agendas might be. Put yourself in their shoes – is the person who has the final say in signing off on your idea trying to meet a target? Are they dealing with a sudden change in management? Or worried about the safety of their job? An obvious but often overlooked truth is that the success of your ideas will depend on your ability to understand other peoples’ needs.
Skincare. Having good skin is an important matter for every woman (and man) out there. When your skin is bad, it affects your mood, your performance, everything; and when it’s good, life is just better. So here are some skincare hacks that might help you get or keep the good.
Thank you for reading and I hope everyone’s been having a great first week of 2019!