Four easy office outfits for winter – Style Inspiration

Since the cold days are here to stay – at least in Berlin – I decided to do a roundup of my favourite office outfits for winter. They are outfits I have been wearing to the office myself, and true to my own style they are no-brainer-outfits that keep you comfortable throughout the day.

Since I am not facing clients in my day-to-day, I am lucky enough to have a flexible dress code environment. The days when I do meet clients, I of course make sure to upgrade my outfit a bit further.

Below are four office outfits I have been wearing this winter, some of them in client facing meetings and some in just regular work days. You will see that I do as I preach and some of the outfits will remind you of my post on Outfit ideas for business casual office wear in winter.


Shirt + Sweater Combo

For me this combination is a go-to and a no brainer for any given day at the office. If I have no idea of what to wear, this is it, if I want to feel crisp and put together but have no time to waste, this is it as well.

Juts head over to my Instagram page and you will see how in autumn and winter this is my favourite look for the office. Truth is, it’s such a comfy look that I even use it for off duty looks.


Outfit picture with girl wearing white shirt and a black sweater
I alternate between button downs and neck tie blouses to wear under sweaters.
white shirt and black pants outfit
The white button down is the perfect pairing to a sweater.
Blazer For the Win

I have a secret love for blazers. Unfortunately, in winter I find it’s so uncomfortable to wear fifteen different layers and therefore end up not wearing blazers too much. I commute to work by public transport and have about 15 – 20 minutes of walking as well, so I simply cannot compromise. Nonetheless, this winter I’ve told myself I would make the effort more often, and every time I end up wearing a blazer I just love the slightly sophisticated look it creates.

Outfit picture with girl wearing red blazer and black pants
The red blazer makes a statement.
The Fun Shirt 

Despite the cold, wearing a nice dress shirt to the office should be no problem, especially if you add a cardigan on top while commuting – if you, same as me, need to both walk and use public transport and the perfect balance for layering and feeling warm but not too warm seems to be unreachable.

A pop of colour and a flowery print can do magic. 
The Winter Skirt 

Lately, I don’t wear skirts or dresses too often and especially not in winter since I thought I don’t have too many winter appropriate skirts. Turns out I was wrong and I have a beautiful skirt that I was usually wearing in summer. That was until I had a client meeting and was tired of the usual black pants combo and decided to put a creative twist on my outfit. I loved feeling professionally dressed but also a bit daring with my outfit!

The skirt is from &otherstories and the shirt is H&M. They are two of my favourite work pieces.
Processed with VSCO with f2 preset
The belt is from Zara and the stilettos are Navyboot Switzerland. It’s impossible to commute in these heels so I carried them in my bag.


What’s your go-to outfit for the cold season?


  1. I love your professional looks!! Especially the one with the skirt! The addition of the belt is perfect and I like how you grabbed a “summer” piece and adapted it for winter. Just a thought to make your commute more comfortable while wearing a blazer…maybe bring the blazer in your bag and then you won’t have to deal with that extra layer. I love blazers too but they can feel quite bulky under a coat!

    1. Thank you so much, Gillian! I think many times we are just underestimating the versatility of the pieces we have in your closets and this skirt definitely reminded me of that. Thank you for the blazer tip, I think that’s an excellent suggestion and so easy to apply. Got to try it next time!

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