It’s been another long weekend in Berlin, and I love it. April/May is the time when I enjoy working in Berlin as it’s when we have all the public holidays. The rest of the year is rather dry but I’ll take it.
Even though I really enjoyed the weekend, I must say that I’ve also had quite a productive week. Aside from pretty good workdays, I spent some time educating myself on personal finances, started a course for a potential future career change and even shopped a bit.
What I’m buying. I’ve shopped some skincare, a full The Ordinary order, including retinol and Vitamin C. Speaking of which, here’s a read of the “retinoid uglies” that some people might experience, which is certainly good to know.
I’ve also shopped some beautiful summer, flowy dresses from H&M, from the Johanna Ortiz x H&M collection. They are so beautiful. I got this one, this other one and this one.
How I am handling my finances. The coronavirus craziness made me realize how quickly things can change – especially jobs and salaries – and made me more aware of the need to have a proper emergency fund and savings. Along with reading a lot on the topic, we’ve also built a budgeting spreadsheet to track our spending and scheduled a weekly finances check-in every Sunday to track the spending.

The Weekly Reads.
Keep pushing forward. I am not sure if the Career Contessa webinars were always free to watch, but they are right now. So, make sure you put some of your free time to good use and watch a few of them, they have plenty o all career-related topics..
Money talks. Money and savings have become top of mind during this time for me. I love Refinery 29’s money Diaries and this one that allows you to peek into other people’s bank accounts and their savings is golden.
How to save money and spend more on clothes. Sounds a bit counterintuitive, but it has some truth to it. I’ve been wanting to practice ethical shopping for a long time but never really gave it a chance to follow through.
How to win a six-figure salary. The skills that can help you make it happen. Quite a good, solid guide with steps that make sense. You can’t aspire to earn a six-figure salary if your industry doesn’t really allow for it.
Ask a manager. Has the coronavirus pandemic worsened the relationship with your manager and they are more micromanaging then ever? If you are struggling with finding a good working rhythm with your manager since working from home, here is some very actionable advice including a suggested line of conversation you can use. Oh, how I love good, practical advice.
Easy meals. I have a love-hate relationship with cooking. I love to cook but I can’t bring myself to do it often enough. Therefore, the simpler and easier the recipe, the better. Here are 20 recipes that have five ingredients or less so now there’s really no excuse.
Thank you for reading and I hope everyone is having a great start into the week!