Continuing to work through my 2021 reading list, I am ready to share my review of the second book I read in January. Same as the first book I’ve read in 2020 (see review here), it’s also a book on the topic of health, but this time specifically focused on women’s health. As I shared in the past, accumulating knowledge on this topic is one of my 2021 goals, so today’s book review is WomanCode.
Here we go with book 2/21.
Book review: WomanCode by Alisa Vitti
Rating 3.5/5
The second book I read in January was “Woman Code” by Alisa Vitti. When it comes to the topic of women’s health and hormonal balance, I don’t feel too informed so I am trying to build up my knowledge to make better and more informed decisions and also ask better questions next time I’m at the doctor’s. One of the books that I kept seeing recommended on the topic – by what I’d say are trusted sources – has been this one so I really wanted to give it a try.
I have to start by saying that my overall rating for the book is only 3.5/5. This, however, is purely due to the writing style. Alisa keeps saying how she will explain this and that again and again and keeps going in circles about what she is going to do, when in fact she should just go straight to the point and explain it – which would make the book 1/3 of what it currently is. Content wise, I think it’s quite informative and covers some important basics in an easy to understand way. It explains how the endocrine system works and what influences it, from the food we eat to our lifestyle choices such as the sports activities we do or the beauty products we put on our skin.
Main book idea
The big idea developed in the book is about cycle syncing: syncing your diet, exercise, and lifestyle around the four phases of the menstrual cycle (luteal, menstrual, follicular, and ovulatory). This comes from the fact that our hormones are different during each phase, and therefore, our needs, emotions, and energy levels are too – and this is completely normal. Our job is to simply support it the best we can throughout the different phases by feeding and moving our bodies to support their natural rhythm.
I like that what’s shared in the book is overall common sense. Nothing she says is a breakthrough but she tries to put a bit of a framework around it. If you are having issues with your period but never researched the topic, I would definitely recommend the book as a starting point, especially because it’s easy to read and understand and offers a good base.
If you are interesetd in the topic, here is also a link to an interview with the author that is essentially a summary of the book: Hormones 101 With Alisa Vitti of Flo Living | HBFIT Wellness.
What about you, have you read this book, or are you planning to add it to your reading list?