5 Reasons Why I love My Kindle

I never expected it but having a Kindle completely changed my reading habits. I’ve read a total of 18 books this year, out of which 17 were on the Kindle. For comparison, in the last few years I’ve averaged somewhere around 10 books/year. So receiving a Kindle as a birthday present from the Mr. back in January was definitely a […]

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Book Review – WomanCode

Continuing to work through my 2021 reading list, I am ready to share my review of the second book I read in January. Same as the first book I’ve read in 2020 (see review here), it’s also a book on the topic of health, but this time specifically focused on women’s health. As I shared in the past, accumulating knowledge on this […]

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The books I read in 2020

Here we are, closing the year and I am finally sharing the books I read in 2020 –  because yes, I managed to read a few; not many, but a few. My goal this year was to read 12 books. Well, while I am closing the year with only 8 books and a half, I am still quite pleased with […]

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The Boys Club – Book Review

I just finished reading “The Boys Club” by Erica Katz and it left me a bit shook. I was super excited to read the book, expecting a „Devil Wears Prada“ meets „Suits“ kind of fun and entertaining story, but it took a bit of a turn in terms of the impression it left on me. Allow me to explain it:   […]

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