With many graduates jumping out into the job search adventure, but also with young professionals who are having a change of heart in terms of company, industry, position, in mind or just looking for the next challenge, I wanted to take a blog post to talk about job interviews and especially questions to ask at an interview. Chances are that […]
How to get comfortable with presenting
How to present well in public is probably one of the most googled questions out there. And let’s face it, presenting in front of an audience (be it bigger or smaller) can be nerve-wracking. Okay, let me correct it, it is nerve-wracking – at least for most people. Add to that the fact that you might be an introvert and […]
Own Your Narrative – Build your Reputation at Work
Owning your narrative at work is one of the most underrated ideas out there. We tend to think that if we work hard enough we will eventually “get what we deserve and what we have worked so hard for” even if we sit quietly and just keep working, but life is simply not as straightforward as this. The idea is that […]
My 5 Go-To Career Websites
Ever since I started working, I’ve been on the look for useful – yet hopefully beautifully designed – websites or blogs that offer real career advice and real career stories. Needless to say, I simply despise all these trashy websites built with the sole purpose of monetizing, and that just share articles like “5 tips to … “. While they are great for lost […]
Business and Working Tips that I Swear By
Working for a couple of years already, I have learned a few things that have helped me along the way, and that I thought I would share. I have had two full time jobs and in both of them I was in the fast track for promotions. I am naturally a very responsible person and generally inclined to do the right thing […]