My 3-Step Annual Self-Review & Goal Planning Process

At the end of every year I like to do a general end of year reflection. However, I don’t usually do an overly structured review and planning for the year ahead. This year’s reflection came to happen very randomly and it led to a 3-step annual self-review & goal planning process. Now that I’ve done it, I’ve found it immensely […]

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11 Reflections From My Career Journey To Date

Over the last almost 9 years working full-time and pursuing fast career growth, industry and career changes at times, and always seeking the next career promotion I’ve learned a thing or two. Below I’ve extracted a few lessons and reflections from my career journey to date. These are the things that helped me grow, get promotions and salary increases, change […]

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4 Decision-Making Frameworks to Make Better & Smarter Decisions

I often talk about decision-making as a key skill for getting ahead. And it truly is, both in our professional lives but also in the personal sphere. Like everyone, I sometimes struggle to make decisions as fast as I’d like to and spend too much time overthinking. Over the years, I’ve discovered and used different decision-making framework, and below are […]

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How to take your power back at work

I’ve been sharing my learnings and thoughts from my own career advancement for quite some time already. Looking back, I realized I’ve always somewhat geared it toward fast growth. But something I’ve learned along the way as a by-product of the fast growth, is the feeling of autonomy over your work life. And a thought I always had is that […]

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5 Stories to Prepare for Your Next Interview

I have recently helped some friends prepare for job interviews and it served as a reminder of how important the prep work is ahead of an interview. In the past, I’ve hired a few people and currently, I also sit on panel interviews for open positions in my team, so I’ve seen my fair share of interviews. One thing that […]

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How To Set Boundaries at Work – 4 Easy Tips

I have talked about drawing boundaries at work in the past in different forms. And today I wanted to share 4 things I’ve done over the years to set boundaries at work that can be helpful if you’re struggling with it. Now, let me start by saying that I’ve been there. I’ve worked crazy hours for a good few years. […]

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How to gain visibility at work

In this post, I want to address how to gain visibility at work when everything else fails. How to get ahead at work, especially in those cases where the projects you work on might not give you enough exposure. Or your day-to-day work simply does not allow for it. Everybody knows that being on the toughest projects and working with […]

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Lessons and Tips from My Career Journey – Part 2

I recently shared a post detailing my career journey. Where I started and where I am currently but also all the steps I took in between. I made some good decisions along the way, while some others were probably not the best. Looking back, however, I wanted to share a few key lessons and tips from my career journey that […]

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Lessons and Tips from My Career Journey – Part 1

I’ve been working a full-time office job for over seven years. During this time I’ve worked in three different companies, changed industries and took a pay cut twice, and did a pretty major career change once. Some things I’ve learned, some things I probably haven’t yet, and I thought I would share a bit more about where I started and […]

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